Medicare Help Tips

Congratulations! You finally decided on a Medicare plan that best fits your needs, now what? While a good agent can help navigate the challenges of finding the right plan, there is still much a person can do to make sure they are prepared and ready for the unexpected. The same can also be said for preventative care. I hope these reminders can help:

  1. Stay Organized: At times you may feel like you are getting a lot of information in the mail and it is very easy to misplace important paperwork! Many find it helpful to have a simple filing system to help them keep organized. Then when the times comes you are ready to retrieve the needed information without adding unnecessary stress.

  2. ID Cards: Make sure you keep your Medicare card and your valid insurance card(s) on your person. You may even find it helpful to make a photo copy of your information and keep it in a safe place at home in case you were to lose your wallet or purse.

  3. Evidence of Coverage (EOC): The EOC gives you details about what the plan covers, how much you pay, and more. While at times it may not be an exciting read, it can really help you to become acquainted with your benefits. TIP: Ask your insurance agent and they can help you locate this information.

Just a little bit of time can go a long way in staying prepared and educated on your plan. If you need further help, Jared and I are always ready to help you if you have any questions. Feel free to call, email, or text us when you need assistance and we will be happy to help! Who doesn’t need a friendly person when dealing with health insurance?


Why Shop Your Medicare Plan?


“Why Insurance?”